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={ELITE}= War Results

={Elite}= War Results

War Stats:Total: 752 |Win: 458 |Lose: 273 | Draw: 21  Sort by:       
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152 19.11.2004 [KBO]  Killerbrigade Oberpfalz 6v6 V2 - The Hunt moh OBJ 29-24 W FunWar
151 19.11.2004 -]SyD[-  Support your Death 6v6 V2 - The Hunt moh OBJ 25-18 L FunWar
150 15.11.2004 =task=  task Gaming 5v5 prodigy-dust2 cs OBJ 30-18 W ClanWar
149 14.11.2004 Tee Trinker   2v2 Railyard - Carentan cod TDM 84 - 77 W ESL-War
148 11.11.2004 -]SyD[-  Support your Death 6v6 V2 - St.Lo moh OBJ 20-15 W FunWar
147 10.11.2004 bf|  Blindfische 5v5 V2 - St.Lo moh OBJ 21-29 L LigaWar
146 09.11.2004 =[FUN]=  Feuer und Nebel 6v6 The Hunt - St.Lo moh OBJ 26-11 W LigaWar
145 07.11.2004 =ToD=  Traces of Death 5v5 dust2 - torn cs OBJ 34 -14 W ClanWar
144 07.11.2004 |I.L.S|  International Lan Squad 6v6 St.Lo - V2 moh OBJ 34-11 W SniperCup
143 07.11.2004 In][StyleZ  Infinity Stylez 6v6 V2 - St.Lo moh OBJ 19-20 L FunWar
142 03.11.2004 [PoG]  Psychos of Germany 7v7 V2 - Renan moh OBJ 15-24 L FunWar
141 02.11.2004 [PoG]  Psychos of Germany 6v6 V2 - St.Lo moh OBJ 30-16 W FunWar
140 01.11.2004 --==[EMF]==--  Emperor Military Fighters 6v6 V2 - St.Lo moh OBJ 32-12 W FunWar
139 01.11.2004 resist|  Resist 5v5 The Hunt - St.Lo moh OBJ 28-27 W SniperCup
138 01.11.2004 Rejection-Role   2v2 Carentan - Habor cod TDM 102 -165 L FunWar
137 30.10.2004 HFD.cod  High Fidelity 2v2 Carentan - Dawnville cod TDM 66 - 148 L ESL-War
136 30.10.2004 -DPW-  Death People Walking 2v2 Dawnville - Dawnville cod TDM 97 - 66 W ESL-War
135 29.10.2004 [PoG]  Psychos of Germany 5v5 V2 - St.Lo moh OBJ 22-45 L FunWar
134 29.10.2004 =[D.D.S.]=  =[D.D.S.]= 5v5 St.Lo - V2 moh OBJ 26-14 W SniperCup
133 28.10.2004 [DOGS]  DOGS 6v6 V2 - St.Lo moh OBJ 14-9 W FunWar
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Legende:  Win: W Loose: L Draw: D Games  Moh:  Medal of Honor CoD:  Call of Duty CS:  CounterStrike CS:S  CounterStrike:Source LFS:  Life-for-Speed BF²:  Battlefield 2
 WMS Script © by Notag 2004-2005 (Site generated in 0.0029sec.) 
Right Upper Corner
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Upload file:
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